Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Last Week's Lost

Watched it on last night and the flash-forwards bothered me the whole time. How long have they been off the island when Kate is at her trial? Her kid is at least two and she's obviously not yet pregnant. The subtext between her and Jack is that the kid's Sawyer's. Even if she got pregnant this episode, which is probably the intention, I have trouble believing an open and shut case would get caught up in two years of pre-trial shenanigans.

They can't reasonably delay her getting off the island too long, since I think Juliet said the mandatory die-off for pregnant women is at about six months. Even allowing that six months you still have eighteen months of mystery time.

But continuity: judging by how Kate and Jack are behaving in the flash-forwards, Kate's trial happens before they get married. Is this where the show is going? The first season was mostly about who these people were before they got to the island. The second was mostly about the island. The third was largely about the Others and deepening the island mystery. Now we're abandoning that to dwell on what happens a few years later? I'm interested in what seems to be going on with Ben, Sayid, and what seems to be their personal war against the Dharma Initiative's successors, but it smells suspiciously of the writers washing their hands with the island and all of its unresolved questions.


David said...

Did you miss the twist at the end of the episode?

When Kate picks up the child -clearly a young toddler - she calls him Aaron.

Somehow, she ends up with Claire's child -or at least that's the impression they give.

Midnight Wanderer said...

I honestly thought she said Eric. I don't know how I missed that. My volume must have been too low. It gets that way sometimes on shows with a lot of ambient sound and quiet dialog. I've only got the two computer speakers and a subwoofer.