Saturday, December 22, 2007

More loud fans

I guess it wasn't just a one day thing. Tomorrow I'll try killing all power into the thing when I turn it off for the day and see if that matters.


David said...

Beyond reading manga and bashing the new computer upside its hardcase, what eles do you do when it's the middle of the night and cold as hell in Michigan?

Just wondering -if only because I'm bored.

Midnight Wanderer said...

It depends. When I'm in a good mood and it's not too wet or cold, I tend to take walks. Right about the time the nights start getting long enough to be convenient it starts getting pretty wet and cold, though. I do a lot of reading, watching TV, and playing some games. Sometimes I hit up Wikipedia and let myself get lost in it for a while.

Sometimes I hit up the Walmart and walk around in there. It's good unless they're waxing the floors and rope off a quarter of the store. There are gas stations open all night, but they're not good for hanging around in. Once in a while I get out to the donut shop, but it's all the way across town.

Midnight Wanderer said...

I said 'sometimes' a depressing amount of times in that post. I have to work on that.

David said...

It's funny, how different we can be. I love the sun, and hate this period of the year when the days are short. I relish these short days, trying to get out and get my vitamin D.

And living here in SolCal, with hills and mountains, the sun sets even quicker -especially now when it feels like the sun sets at 2pm. It's, perhaps, one of the few drawbacks of living here -and no, I live about 45 miles, what's called the Inland Empire.

But I was born and raised in suburban Chicago, so I know all about those wet, cold and windy nights. I would very rarely venture out after dark during those cold winter nights.

Midnight Wanderer said...

I'd get along a lot better with the sun if it didn't hurt so much.