Monday, November 26, 2007

Futurama, maybe or not?

No DVDs yet. I've been doing a lot of reading instead. My Mom would be thrilled.

I've been seeing commercials for the new Futurama DVD. I have mixed feelings. I watch a lot of Adult Swim almost every night, when I'm not walking. Past midnight you run out of options fast. Futurama is on [as] every night. The same episode, two or three times. It's been like since I was 16, I think. I'm really sick of almost every episode, and almost all the old episodes of Family Guy too for the same reason. It was cool after the big accident, but that was then.

Back when it first came on [as] I liked Futurama a lot. The years of constant reruns have really gotten old. So new Futurama could be great, but it's more of something I'm really over and of which I'm pretty tired. So I'm sort of curious, but not really desperate for it. Maybe I'll see if I can get it as a rental.

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